Weight Loss Journey – Part 3

It seems like forever since the last time I posted an update.  For accurately, it’s been a month.  How’s it going, you asked?  Terrible!  I’ve lost exactly 0 pounds since the first of this month.  I’m still doing my classes (missed 2 this month), but it seems I’ve hit a wall.

If I was on the TLC chow, “My 600 Pound Life”, dr. Now would have told me, “You should have lost 50 pounds this month.”.  Honestly, I’m kind of depressed about it.  This means the extra work I’ve put in and offsetting the calories I’m taking in.  Right?  I know I’m not actually trying to lose weight but losing fat.  Looking at the pictures I took this morning, I don’t look like I’ve lost fat either.  There’s a theory that I’m losing fat, but the muscles built recently causing me to see no difference in the number on the scale.

So as a recap on this month, I’ve been doing two 1-hour cardio classes a week, and 2 martial arts classes a week.  During the weeks I don’t eat much, but when I do, it’s usually heavy in carbs and or sugar.  On the weekends, I eat whatever comes to mind.  It’s so hard when you go out and there’s always something you want and so easily obtainable.  I really need to say “No” to myself.  My current weakness is frozen custard.  So good!  Ok.  First of October, new month, new attitude.  This month, I’m aiming for a 10-pound drop. 


  • Less sugar
  • Less carbs
  • Continue classes
  • More routine posts/follow-ups

Let’s do this! 

Current Weight: 222

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