

Tipping has been a hot topic for a while now, ever since the covid-19 pandemic in 2020. People were locked down in their homes, going out was frowned upon and stores were forced to shut down unless it provides a required service. Since people couldn’t go out for things, they needed things to come to…

Chores and Allowance

Cheap child labor. All parents love it. How great is it to pay a kid $10 a week to take out the trash, sweep, dust, laundry, and dishes. They’re not tough tasks or labor intensive, so I think it’s fair. On top of $10, we also give them life experience and a sense of responsibility!…

Easy Cost-Cutting Ideas

“Shut the door, I’m not heating the entire neighborhood!” A line people commonly say that their dads used to say to them. Well, guess what? It’s true! I found myself saying this this past year. Damn kids had left the backdoor open (not sure if on purpose or not) and the heat was blasting. We…