September 1, 2023

What a great day to start these diary entries. We just had our “Boys’ Day” today. Their mom was working and the boys and I had the day off, so we went out and had fun all day. I can’t stress enough the importance of having a day for the kids to be themselves. We call it “Boys’ Day” since we’re all boys. But you can call it “Kids’ Day”, “Crazy Day”, or whatever you want to show that the kids can make (reasonable) suggestions and we all do it together. The day usually involves activities they’ve been wanting to do but not time, or foods from places out of our normal range.

For us, we started the day off with Mini Golf and popsicles. Then we had lunch at a local Chinese buffet. After the buffet, I had to drop the older kid off at a birthday party. I took the younger one to Dunkin Donuts since he was hungry again after a buffet! Once he stuffed his face with donuts, we went to the park so he could play on the structure and hang out with other kids.

After the other kids left, we went to the YMCA to further drain his energy. But that didn’t work. He was still full of energy! We came home and played some basketball out in the yard. After showing them how Jordan I am, we went to pick up the older kid and off to Target. During the target trip, the younger one bought some Beyblades so he could play with other kids. Of course, the moment he got them, he was already asking if we could go to the YMCA so he could test out the new toys. This kid never rests! I’m beat. I’m home right now trying to document what we did today.

I think this is a good first entry to the diary as it shows how hectic a simple day off can get. I hope you can join me for more of these crazy days. There’s always something going on, and I”ll try my best to capture that.

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