
Weight Loss Journey – Part 3

It seems like forever since the last time I posted an update.  For accurately, it’s been a month.  How’s it going, you asked?  Terrible!  I’ve lost exactly 0 pounds since the first of this month.  I’m still doing my classes (missed 2 this month), but it seems I’ve hit a wall. If I was on…

Weight Loss Journey – Part 2

It’s been rough, but I lost 5 pounds (roughly) since the last entry! For those who are joining me now, I’m trying to drop from about 230 pounds to under 200 pounds. Ideally, I would like to hit 180, but one step at a time. I’ve been doing Cardio kickboxing on Mondays and Wednesdays and…

Serenity Now!

Mental stress can cause even the most patient people go off the rails, or “lose it”. This happened to me this past weekend and it wasn’t fun. I felt like The Incredible Hulk and wanted everyone to just “LEAVE HULK ALONE!” What triggered it was two weeks of non-stop noise and no sleep. A few…

Weight Loss Journey – Part 1

I will never forget the day my oldest son told me, “Daddy. Can you lose weight? I don’t want you to die.” He was in 1st grade and they were learning about about healthy eating and exercise habits. I told him, “Of course. I’ll be around forever!” At the time I was 256 pounds (lbs).…